- Provide free food, Accommodation to the poor, needy, disabled, and downtrodden senior citizens and persons.
- Award scholarships to the deserving poor and destitute children for pursuing their education and enable them to become model citizens of India.
- Provide free medical aid to needy persons.
- Take part in activities for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden women's welfare by organizing and running job-oriented educational and training courses, viz: Computer education, Baking ideas, tailoring and enhancement of interpersonal communication skills, etc.,
- Take part in welfare activities organized and sponsored by the government within the capacity of the Trust.
- To help the unemployed youth in all possible ways in order to make themselves reliant and self-supportive.
- To promote the interests and all-round welfare of all the socially, educationally, and economically downtrodden people of India.
- To work in co-operation with similar social welfare organizations of Tamilnadu for the welfare of downtrodden people.
- As far as the senior citizens, it will be a home away from their homes. Peaceful and quiet life therein will have a significant effect on the physical and mental conditions of the inmates.